10 Signs You're Surrounded By The Right People For Creating Success.
The saying goes, "your network is your net worth". In the same vein, the team you choose to associate yourself with significantly contributes to your overall success. In the wise words of an African Proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." There's unparalleled power in having a dynamic team with a promising idea and a step by step success system to achieve it.
Life's path is riddled with unexpected twists and turns, and things might not always pan out as you anticipate. Therefore, it's crucial to be in the company of skilled and driven individuals. This collective energy will inspire the best in each of you and keep you all aligned towards your shared goals.
Success might be a personal journey, but the companions you choose can significantly influence your path to achievement. Be it individuals who resonate with your aspirations, or those who aren't afraid to hold you accountable when you're underperforming, your support network is pivotal. Indeed, every tale of triumph begins with a remarkable team. Here are the indicators that you're in the company of the ideal group who will aid you in your journey to success:
They recognize that trust is paramount and actively work to keep it that way.
Trust is the cornerstone. The bond between you and your team isn't limited to professional engagements, it extends into shared enjoyment and celebrations, blurring the line between work and fun. Your team isn't just made up of colleagues, but resembles a close-knit family. You work together, unwind together, but what underpins all of this is the steadfast trust among you. Building a robust team requires a strong foundation, and that foundation is trust.
Your team respects the confidentiality of your shared ventures as much as you do. They strike a healthy balance between working with commitment and enjoying their time off. However, what takes precedence is always an unwritten code of integrity.
2. They possess the courage to challenge and push the people around them. As they improve, so do you.
It's pivotal to be in the company of those who share your drive and have a keen awareness of their own abilities. The strongest spark for your motivation can often be being in the company of determined individuals who consistently strive for their best.
Witnessing those in your circle exerting extra effort instills in you the inspiration to transcend your own boundaries. Motivation is everywhere, it's just a matter of populating your environment with the individuals who continually inspire you to bring out your best every day.
3. While you're all great buds, when it's time for work, it's strictly business. You leave the personal stuff at the door during business hours.
Ultimately, what matters most is the end result. Inside the workspace, the primary focus should be on doing what's necessary to produce excellent outcomes and generate income. Sure, you may be buddies outside work and enjoy a weekly round of golf, but within the workplace, mutual accountability and leaving your emotions at the door is key.
Some believe friends can't collaborate effectively, but this notion usually stems from the fear of confronting friends when they begin to stray off track. It's crucial to recognize that your success is, to some extent, contingent upon how efficiently your colleagues perform their tasks. If someone's performance is faltering, it's vital to be comfortable enough with each other to voice your concerns.
4. You know that none of you will crumble under the times of extreme pressure.
Pressure can break rocks, pressure can also turns rocks into diamonds. You and Your team should all be focused on becoming diamonds and during times of extreme pressure keep reminding yourselves that is the process of turning yourselves into seriously valuable professionals. It’s in those moments of serious pressure and uncertainty that truly show who you are deep down. But, you also need to weed out the weak rocks that will break before the pressure turns them into diamonds— the last thing your organization needs is for someone to crack and leave during a time of extreme pressure— causing even more unnecessary pressure.
It's a well-known fact that pressure and stress can cause individuals to crumble. Since a team is only as resilient as its most vulnerable member, it's essential to instill confidence within your group. You should possess the certainty that any team member can competently handle their role regardless of the situation. Stress and fear are self-imposed limitations. The concept of settling for second-best doesn't exist; one's ability to perform effectively under pressure often distinguishes the best from the rest.
5. Roadblocks are inevitable, but your success depends on how you react to setbacks.
The business landscape is often likened to a marathon, not a sprint; hence, the necessity of bracing yourself for a lengthy journey. To maintain the integrity of your team, it's crucial to be surrounded by resilient individuals who can shake off setbacks and promptly get back on track. Unquestionably, there will be numerous disappointments along your path, but it's essential to be among individuals who can see beyond these setbacks and extract lessons from them. Life offers a myriad of experiences that shape future successes; embrace your setbacks with dignity and ensure everyone around you is willing to support you in overcoming your failures.
6. The hustle and sacrifice is 24/7; until you make it, Realize that the Journey to Success is not easy at all.
Many inspirational narratives might paint a picture that success comes effortlessly. However, the reality is that achievement/success is a product of relentless effort and commitment. You should anticipate numerous nights sacrificed to meet deadlines and kickstart projects. At Harvard university, they start preparing their students by giving them complex tasks on a very short timeline; students often have to sacrifice their weekends and stay up all night to have their work done in time.
Don't bank on having any breezy days. If a task seems too easy or straightforward, you're likely doing it incorrectly. The path will be strewn with time-intensive challenges, but as long as you have a group of people around you who are just as committed and willing to put in the grind as you are, there won't be anything that can block your way to success.
7. Anyone Can Egg On Your Bad Habits, But Genuine Friends Prompt You To Regulate Your Habits and/or Develop better ones.
It's human nature to want to let loose and enjoy life. Once you start seeing success, it can seem like everyone suddenly wants to be your closest friend, convince you to go do something or spend time around you. You'll find that many people want to party, engage in bad habits and have fun in your presence; this could be the old you that they’re used to. There's nothing inherently wrong with this; we all have our bad habits and quite often our friends fuel them because they have the same ones.
However, an authentic friend who genuinely wants to see you be your best self won't shy away from telling you when your indulgences or bad habits begin to interfere with your work or progress. It's crucial to have people around you who genuinely care about your success and understand that the key is keeping the team focused and on track and that there is nothing more important in life. Plus, partying is much more fun once you’ve made it and have the right people around you; and you can spend $10,000 throwing a yacht party this weekend for your team, associates, the right friends and clients.
8. You All Expect The Workload will Be Heavy, But Everyone is Fueled by Passion, Mission and an unwavering dedication to become the best.
Nothing brings down a high performing team more than a member who despises what they're doing. Their dissatisfaction will breed attitude issues, discontent and potentially lead to future issues. When individuals are enthusiastic about their work, they'll do whatever it takes to see it through. If your essential group lacks this passion, your success won't be as fulfilling as it would be when achieved through a labor of love and passion and a true dedication to your orgs mission.
9. You All Share a Common Objective and Are Committed to Doing Whatever Necessary to Achieve It.
It's a special experience when you discover a team of people whose vision of success aligns with yours. Everyone's perception of success varies, which is one of life's fascinating aspects. You're free to live and pursue any path you desire; yet, it's exceptionally rewarding when you encounter individuals with comparable ambitions. This implies that you all possess a mutual understanding of the effort it will require to attain this goal and are prepared to collaborate to see it fulfilled.
10. The Final Obstacle Should Never Be Interpersonal Relationships: The Enjoyment of Success Should be Shared.
Interpersonal relationships should never be a stumbling block on your journey to success. You need to make the decision to yourself that nothing is more important to you than achieving your vision. Rest assured, when success and wealth begin to manifest, women (and men) will follow. They will want something you have; maybe all to themselves too. You should never give a partner (romantic or non-romantic) the power to get in the way of your success or enough control to pull you off path.
I’ve seen great people time and time again lose their dedication to success, and even quit out, because their girlfriend, boyfriend or partner convinced them out of it or took up to much of their time to where they couldn’t handle it anymore. It's vital to align with people who understand the significance of looking out for each other. If one team member is left out of the joy, then the entire group has missed the mark.
Of course, there will be charismatic individuals who naturally attract relationships more easily than others. Nonetheless, it's crucial that every team member gets to partake in the joy. Avoid involving yourself with selfish individuals in any form - including those who monopolize their relationships.
“There are two paths: The path of excuses and the path of execution. Excuses are your B.S. story of why you can’t do it. Execution is the proof you can.”
“The first person you have to “sell” to create change is yourself.”