Get rid of all other options.

Our students who pay more end up getting better results because they’re forced to; they’ve gone “all in.” When you give yourself no option but to succeed, you generate the aggressiveness and eagerness needed to succeed in entrepreneurship. Some of the best in the world had to go through near-death experiences or bankruptcy to ignite their internal fire before choosing to make success their only option.

Think about working out. If you were to go for a run right now, there would be a finite amount of distance you could travel in a fixed amount of time. But I can guarantee that if someone were chasing you with a knife with the intent to kill you, you would run much further, much faster than you thought was humanly possible. You would shatter records.

By going all in—like I have many times—you’ll access potential you never knew existed. You can be a money-making, business-building machine. Some describe that state as “flow.” I call it entrepreneurship and conviction. It’s a skill you can learn, one we teach our sales training clients. But most learn and master it best by giving themselves the gift of no options. That’s where they truly see what they’re made of, and it’s freeing.

Risking everything is liberating for two reasons:

  • You’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  • You’ve no choice but to make sure you do work that gets results because you have nothing left if you fail.


See your success!


Kill the modern-day money addiction.